JUMP TOIntroducciónQué es QuadMinds ?PlanificaciónCertificaciónConclusiónUsoAmbienteAutenticaciónPaginaciónCódigos de errorQuadminds API v2AreasGet all AreasgetGet areas by idsgetGet area by idgetActivityTypesGet all activity typesgetNotificationsGet all notificationsgetcreate notificationpostGet notification by idgetUpdate notification by idpatchOrderItemsGet order item by idgetUpdate order item by idpatchDelete order item by iddeleteOrdersGet all ordersgetGet orders of type collectiongetGet orders By IDsgetAdd 1 or more orderspostGet order by idgetUpdate order by idpatchDelete order by iddeleteGet order items by order idgetAdd 1 or more order items by order idpostDelete order items by order iddeleteGet order measures by order idgetAdd 1 or more order measures by order idpostDelete order measures by order iddeleteConstraintTypesGet all constraint typesgetGet available constraint typesgetOrderMeasuresGet order measure by idgetUpdate order measure by idpatchDelete order measure by iddeleteCollectionsGet all collectionsgetGet collections by waypoint idgetOrderStatusGet all avialable order statusgetOrganizationsGet all active organizationgetGet organizationgetPoiTypesGet all point of interest's typesgetPoisGet all points of interestgetGet pois by IDsgetAdd 1 or more PoispostGet point of interest by codegetUpdate point of interest by codeputSearch for a point of interest by partial codegetGet point of interest by idgetProductsGet all productsgetGet products by IDsgetAdd 1 or more ProductspostGet product by idgetUpdate productpatchRoutesGet all RoutesgetGet routes by idsgetAdd 1 or more RoutespostGet route by idgetUpdate route by idpatchDelete route by iddeleteGet route waypointsgetadd a waypoint to a routepostDelete waypoints by route iddeleteConsolidated RoutesGet all Routes with Waypoints, Orders and order itemsgetGet Routes by id with Waypoints, Orders and order itemsgetGet route by idgetWaypointsGet waypoint by idgetUpdate waypoint by idpatchDelete waypoint by iddeleteThingsGet all thingsgetDriversGet all driversgetGet driver by idgetVehiclesGet all vehiclesgetGet all vehicles with routesgetGet vehicle by vehicleIdgetUpdate vehicle by vehicleIdpatchUsersGet usergetGet user by idgetGet user params by user idgetGet usergetMerchantsGet all MerchantsgetAdd merchantpostSearch MerchantsgetGet merchant by idgetUpdate merchant by idpatchDelete merchant by iddeleteAdd merchant avatarpostCreate merchant integrationpostUpdate merchant integrationpatchDelete merchant integrationdeleteCloudFlash APIAreasGet all AreasgetGet areas by idsgetGet area by idgetActivityTypesGet all activity typesgetOrderItemsGet order item by idgetUpdate order item by idpatchDelete order item by iddeleteOrdersGet all ordersgetGet orders By IDsgetAdd 1 or more orderspostGet order by idgetUpdate order by idpatchDelete order by iddeleteGet order items by order idgetAdd 1 or more order items by order idpostDelete order items by order iddeleteGet order measures by order idgetAdd 1 or more order measures by order idpostDelete order measures by order iddeleteConstraintTypesGet all constraint typesgetGet available constraint typesgetOrderMeasuresGet order measure by idgetUpdate order measure by idpatchDelete order measure by iddeleteOrderStatusGet all avialable order statusgetOrganizationsGet all active organizationgetGet organizationgetPoiTypesGet all point of interest's typesgetPoisGet all points of interestgetGet pois by IDsgetAdd 1 or more PoispostGet point of interest by codegetUpdate point of interest by codeputSearch for a point of interest by partial codegetGet point of interest by idgetProductsGet all productsgetGet products by IDsgetAdd 1 or more ProductspostGet product by idgetUpdate productpatchRoutesGet all RoutesgetGet routes by idsgetAdd 1 or more RoutespostGet route by idgetUpdate route by idpatchDelete route by iddeleteGet route waypointsgetadd a waypoint to a routepostDelete waypoints by route iddeleteConsolidated RoutesGet all Routes with Waypoints, Orders and order itemsgetGet Routes by id with Waypoints, Orders and order itemsgetGet route by idgetWaypointsGet waypoint by idgetUpdate waypoint by idpatchDelete waypoint by iddeleteThingsGet all thingsgetDriversGet all driversgetGet driver by idgetVehiclesGet all vehiclesgetGet all vehicles with routesgetGet vehicle by vehicleIdgetUpdate vehicle by vehicleIdpatchUsersGet usergetGet user by idgetGet user params by user idgetGet usergetMerchantsGet all MerchantsgetAdd merchantpostSearch MerchantsgetGet merchant by idgetUpdate merchant by idpatchDelete merchant by iddeleteAdd merchant avatarpostStork APIAutenticaciónPrimeros PasosTripsCreate new trippostGet all tripsgetGet trip by idgetUpdate trippatchDelete trip by iddeleteBulk update tripspatchBulk delete tripsdeleteBulk update trips stepspatchUpdate trip checkpointpatchCreate orders for checkpointpostCreate checkpoint certificationpostUpdate trip checkpoint steppatchStart trippatchClose trippatchCreate new alert for a trippostGet all alerts of a tripgetDelete an alert of a tripdeleteGet all trip logsgetCreate trip logpostDelete trip logdeleteAlertsGet all alertsgetCreate new alertpostGet alert by idgetUpdate alert by idpatchDelete alert by iddeleteUpdate alert auditable by alert idpatchCreate new comment for alertpostUpdate comment of an alertpatchDelete comment of an alertdeleteLogsGet all logsgetCreate new logpostGet log by idgetUpdate logpatchDelete logdeleteOrdersCreate orderpostGet all ordersgetGet order by idgetUpdate orderpatchDelete orderdeleteCreate order certificationpostUpdate order certificationpatchCarriersCreate carrierpostGet all carriersgetGet carrier by id or external idgetUpdate carrier by id or external idpatchDelete carrier by id or external iddeleteDriversCreate driverpostGet all driversgetCreate drivers bulkpostGet all eventsgetGet drivergetUpdate driverpatchDelete driverdeleteGet driver eventsgetLocationsCreate locationpostGet all locationsgetCreate location bulkpostGet locationgetUpdate locationpatchDelete locationdeleteVehiclesCreate a new vehiclepostGet all vehiclesgetCreate a vehicles bulkpostGet all eventsgetGet vehicle by idgetUpdate vehiclepatchDelete vehicledeleteGet vehicle eventsgetState DefinitionsCreate state definitionpostGet all state definitionsgetGet state definitiongetUpdate state definitionpatchDelete state definitiondeleteTrip DefinitionsCreate new trip definitionpostGet all trip definitionsgetGet trip definitiongetUpdate trip definitionpatchDelete trip definitiondeleteZonesCreate new zonepostFind all zonesgetFind one zonegetUpdate zonepatchDelete zonedeleteTriggersTrigger areapostTrigger customerpostTrigger webhookgetTrigger apppostTagsCreate tagpostGet all tagsgetUpdate tagpatchDelete tagdeleteOrganization KeysCreate organization keypostGet organization keysgetGet organization keygetUpdate organization keypatchDelete organization keydeleteHelp DeskGet template to link gps tracking device to vehiclesgetLink devices with stork license platespostGet template to link gps tracking device to vehiclesgetGet template to link gps tracking device to vehicles tracking systemgetLink legacy devices with stork license platespostGet template to bulk create driversgetGet template to bulk create carriersgetGet template to bulk create carriersgetGet template to bulk create locationsgetGet vehicles without devicesgetGet vehicles without devicesgetGet drivers without devicesgetGet vehicles without devicesgetBulk create driverspostBulk create vehiclespostBulk create locationspostBulk update locationspatchBulk create carrierspost/apis/stork-api/help-desk/organizations/{organizationId}/set-default-configpostEventsGet all eventsgetCreate new eventpostBulk resolve eventspatchGet event by idgetDelete event by iddeleteUpdate event by idpatchUpdate event by idpatchCreate new comment for eventpostUpdate comment of an eventpatchDelete comment of an eventdelete/apis/stork-api/healthgetgetJobsCreate new jobpostGet paginated jobsgetGet job by idgetUpdate jobpatchDelete job by iddeletePowered by Get trip by idget https://tdc.quadminds.com/apis/stork-api/trips/{idOrCode}Get trip by id